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Gus is now six. Hard to believe he's been a part of my life for six years now. Oh, how my life has changed during his lifetime. He came into my life during a period of unemployment. My mother thought getting a dog was not a particularly good idea at the time but came to realize that Gus gave focus to my life when I most needed it. I'll admit that I nurtured him to be somewhat of a momma's boy, he loves me and only me, tolerates everyone else, but only because I insist. He's a wonderful dog and I'm so glad he's mine.
It was a surprisingly busy week at work so I didn't really have time to get anything for Gus' birthday. Since Friday is my not working day I plan to take them both down to Three Dog Bakery and get some nummy treats for them. Then maybe we'll head out to the dog park for some good runnin' & fetchin' and sniffin' & peein' all the things dogs love to do.
Here's a photo from Gus' first birthday. He wore that party hat for at least 20 minutes, until his doggy pals arrived for the party. He was even fetching that ball while wearing the hat.
Since I'm back I think I need to not beat myself up if I don't post daily. I think a more reasonable goal may be to aim for two posts per week and if I make more than that I'll be pleased. Geez, look at the time (10:55 am) I gotta hit the shower and hit the road, off to visit a pal in the hospital recovering from surgery (he should be going home tomorrow) and then off to a birthday party for the little red-headed girl, she turns three today. Wow, three already! And I still have to wrap her present, a Curious George combo sticker book/coloring book. I hear sticker books are hot items for her age group.
I'd have had more time to write if I hadn't gotten caught up watching this video shot from an OC1 paddling down the Columbia River Gorge. I did a down wind run as well, this guy is a much better paddler than me!
Hey all, long time no post! To ease back into it I'm going to give you a little chemistry lesson. For a chemical reaction to occur a number of conditions must be met, one of which is the activation energy must be overcome. Basically that means the components of the reaction will sit together quite happily co-existing until you dump enough energy into the reaction vessel to overcome the activation energy after which the reaction will speed merrily along. And here's a picture I found on wikipedia. I know there is a lot of ugly looking math on the picture, the take home message is that you have to get over the hump for things to move along more easily.
With all the whatever going on in my life I sort of closed in on myself a bit, go paddling, go to work (still only 4 days a week), play with the dogs, not write my blog. Even though I had lots of ideas that I wanted to put down. As more time passed between postings the harder it became to sit down and write, my activation energy was growing higher and higher until it felt insurmountable (insert pity party here). This morning I finally decided that it didn't really matter what I wrote so long as I tapped out something! Activation energy overcome the posts should be flowing a bit more freely now. And I have so much to tell you!
More details on the Gorge Games race in a later post but for anyone who gets Fox Sports News (FSN) they have an outrigger segment! I haven't re-watched it in super slow-motion but I think you can see the women's crew, I know you can see one of the men's crews (seats 5 Ernie & 6 Troy) in a red and yellow, borrowed, boat. Here in Seattle the entire Gorge Games coverage will be rebroadcast on Saturday. The outrigger portion was on the 4th day/episode, approx 20 min into the 30 min show.