Saturday, May 31, 2008

Household Accidents

The day dawned bright and clear with the promise of being great. We took out two boats of 5 people this morning. I went in the boat with Chantelle, Lianne, Meilee, and Kristen steering. The other boat was Nancy, Rives, Neil, Lise, and young Kyle steering. My boat went up to the water slides outside someone's house, a seven mile round trip. We paddled hard and it was all good. Llelo was off leash before we went out and managed to find something to roll in, only one green patch. I got him rinsed off and into the car before he could commit any further atrocities.

Post paddling I needed to get home quickly. My agenda was full, going to Olympia to visit Uncle Leonard to go through old family photos. He is my grandmother's brother, 11 years younger than Gram and 11 years older than my mother. He lived with my mother's family while he went to the University of Minnesota after he'd gotten out of the Navy after WWII. He is quite the joker, ready with the teasing and silliness. My mother had red hair, copper colored, when she was a little girl. He'd call her bawly but she heard it as baldy, which made her cry so then he'd call her bawly ... When making plans to go down today he said they would expect me for lunch, so don't eat anything. I said that I'll have paddled and will be hungry. He said I could have *a* raisin, but don't fill up on it! Leonard is the only one who can accurately identify many of the folks in the older photos as he knew the people, the photos are from Gram's childhood as well as the mother's childhood. After visiting with Leonard I planned to go see a former co-worker, Craig, and his family for a bit, so big plans.

I'd finished washing my hair and had just picked up the bar of mango soap I'd bought at Folklife, it smelled so yummy. When my left foot slipped out from under me, I did a half pirouette, grabbed the shower curtain, yelled OH SHIT!, went down hard on the edge of the tub, and bounced back up again. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, doesn't it always, and I remember it all vividly. I stood there shaking for a moment wondering if I was really all in one piece with no broken bits. My shower curtain rod ROCKS! That thing is totally robust, it never moved, never came down or moved at all. The curtain hooks came open but that was it! If the rod had come down I'm certain I'd have been hurt much worse.

I then proceeded to wash all the workout sweatiness off, stepping very carefully and slowly. Nothing hurt yet, yet. As soon as I was rinsed and dried off enough to handle the phone I called my chiropractor's office, thank goodness they have Saturday hours! I was in for my adjustment less than 45 minutes after I fell. And over the course of those 45 minutes I was feeling increasingly worse, my body had taken a rough hit. During the adjustment I made the decision to stay home and bond with my ice packs. I was really bummed, not only was I hurt, but I'd been looking forward to this visit for a few weeks now. We have rescheduled for two weeks from today since I'll be paddling in Da Grind next Saturday. Hopefully, my back will be feeling better in time.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Ah sweetie, you have got to take care of yourself! OUCH! Rest and be gentle!