Must be returned by February 24. Bogey and I are, erm, having some challenges.
Second night went pretty well. Keeping everyone out of the bedroom until bedtime worked well, except Llelo likes to nap in his crate, in the bedroom, and Gus likes to nap on the bed, again, in the bedroom. Sigh. They made adequate alternate arrangements and things were ok. I dropped the comforter and bedding off at a laundromat and paid to have them washed. Did you know a queen sized comforter costs $30 to launder? and another $15 for the sheets and comforter cover? Worth it to not spend 4 hours watching the comforter dry!
Saturday night the B boys decided that eating would be a good thing to do, they hadn't really been doing that since they arrived. I think they finally got hungry. I fed my guys in the kitchen as usual and fed the B's in the bathroom and had to stick around to supervise. Llelo was doing his best impression of a hyena, knows there's food there, circling around until the lion (me) isn't watching so he can dash in and get a few bites and dash out when the lion notices. It would have been cute except if I raised my voice at Llelo Benjamin would spook and move away from the food giving Llelo the chance to dart in where I would scold him again. I finally worked out some hand signals with Llelo that got the message that he would be dead dog-meat if he were to continue trying that. Both B's finished their supper, of course my guys finished, but that was a given.
At bedtime Llelo decided he'd been kept from his crate for too long and opted to sleep there instead of jammed up against me. Bogey wanted to sleep on me, ain't gonna happen, dude; up against is ok, on, not so much. I woke up during the night to find Bogey jammed up against a very tolerant Gus, who was very soundly asleep. It was vewy, vewy cute.
This morning we got up, went to potty, came in to breakfast. Llelo and I had our signals down pat, but he kept circling and hoping. With corgis and food hope springs eternal. I'm not used to having to supervise meal times and it really threw off my scheduling. I was to meet a friend in Bellevue, introduce his young son to the dogs and let them all have a run around in a fenced area. In all I wasn't nearly so late as I was expecting. A grand time was had by all tearing around the play area. There were some other dogs for Llelo to play chase with and Gus pulled out all the stops illustrating his fetching prowess. I had four comatose dogs within minutes of returning home. Soon after I was overcome by a nap on the couch, on the weekends I find it easier to submit to spontaneous naps than not. After about an hour I heard Benjamin wake up and begin to fidget, Bogey got up, too. I got up to let them out and discovered Bogey had peed on the carpet rather than ask to go out. I know it wasn't Benjamin because I've seen the volume he pees, the spot wasn't that big.
So, if you'd like a free dog, just let me know. Comes with food, leash, collar, fleece coat, the works. Think of it as a trial period through next Sunday! I'll keep Benjamin, you don't have to clean up after flatulence, keeping the fan on takes care of that!
I love to paddle outrigger canoes. I feel like a postal worker, neither rain nor snow, nor sleet will keep this paddler from her practice!
I have two corgi dogs, they are the best dogs ever. Gus and Llelo love long walks, fetching, going to the dog park and swimming.
1 comment:
Ah, the things we do for friends! Hang in there - the 24th's coming!
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