It is really beginning to feel like a comedy of errors, one thing begets another... Will it ever end?
I was supervising breakfast this morning and noticed that Benjamin had a steady drip of urine happening, steady enough that had it been a faucet you'd have located a new washer for it asap! From the food dish into the kitchen for a drink and back, drip, drip, drip. I tried to locate a belly band, a velcro'd band of fabric to wrap around the boy parts to catch the dripping, couldn't find one large enough here in town. Mail order would just take too long. We are making due with a ratty dog towel and safety pins. He's making a real fashion statement! We have corrected his gas problem, switching him from the chicken based to the lamb based food has cured him, huzzah! I seem to be getting the old guy dialed in pretty well. (photo - Benjamin with make shift belly band)
I've been driving Marth's Chevy Tahoe, it's large enough to handle all four dogs easily. It's also as large as my parking space, much larger than my Subaru Forester. This morning as I was backing out of my space, trying not to hit my neighbor's car, the rear view mirror clipped the cement post. D'oh! The housing was fine but the reflective surface popped out and landed on the ground. The severe spider web pattern of broken mirror was there before it fell out, I don't think I'm the first to do this. It's just one more thing. (photo - Bogey, ready for his closeup) I found a small lump on Gus' back Saturday. My gut told me it was probably a fatty cyst or something benign, but I needed confirmation from the vet to rest well. And Llelo needed his distemper booster shot, too. We went to the vet this morning. She aspirated the lump and got clear fluid! Excellent, benign, don't need to worry about it. However, the other tooth he's chipped is very tender and needs to be removed. I'll likely have the cyst taken off at the same time, if he's going to be under anesthesia might as well change the oil and rotate the tires. Both boys got lots of cookies, the staff just can't help themselves, they both got jabbed with needles, after all! (photo - above Llelo recuperating from his shot, below Gus not wanting another tooth pulled)
I went to All The Best Pet Care to get more Petastic, the enzymatic cleaner for neutralizing urine odors, and then off to Trader Joe's for more lamb based dog food. Once back at the apartment I met with the manager and have arranged to have the carpets cleaned on February 29.
So, I started out this posting feeling facetious but I'm actually feeling like things are starting to work out. Getting everything dialed in. It's just somewhat of a tiring process. If Bogey can keep it under control it will end up being a pretty ok day. I did get out for a short OC2 paddle this morning with Minnie, it was a glorious morning, bright and sunny, no wind, a bit chilly. A little time on the water helps make everything else seem more manageable.
I love to paddle outrigger canoes. I feel like a postal worker, neither rain nor snow, nor sleet will keep this paddler from her practice!
I have two corgi dogs, they are the best dogs ever. Gus and Llelo love long walks, fetching, going to the dog park and swimming.
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