Monday, March 2, 2009

Gut Instincts

Do you listen to your gut instincts? Do they generally work out when you do and you feel like a dufus when you don't? I tend to listen to my instincts, I've found like works out better when I do.

I got home from work and decided to take the boys out for a walk around the neighborhood. The sky was greying up and rain was immenent but I figured I had a little time. I got collars on the dogs, grabbed the leashes and the thought of grabbing my rain shell crossed my mind. Nah, won't need it, it's been nice all day, even if it does rain it probably won't be very hard. All this crossed my mind as we walked out of the apartment.

We burst out the exterior door both dogs peeing on the first step off the sidewalk. Then up the stairs to the neighborhood that runs behind the apartment building. We went up the hill and took a right heading in the general direction of the local park. When we were about 2 blocks from the park it began to sprinkle lightly. Hmm, perhaps I should have grabbed the rain shell. Should we continue down the route I had in my mind or head back towards home and have to walk up and down a rather large hill. It's only sprinkling, we'll be fine, we should just finish our walk as I had planned it.

Another block in the rain started coming down a bit more intensely. At this point we were committed to this route and with each progressive step the rain intensified. It was as though someone left the tap on and then someone else cruised by and opened it wider. Sigh. Gus was lagging further, trying anyway, Llelo was trying to pull ahead, you know faster is always better. I tried hard not to hunch down, just walk head held high, rain dripping into my eyes, down my neck, soaking into my jeans.

Finally made it home. Jeans soaked through, socks soaked through my crocs (as if that is at all difficult), my hair was saturated, as were both dogs. Ya, next time I'm listening to my gut!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Oh yeah, always trust your gut, especially when it concerns rain and Seattle!

The upside is, I suppose, that at least once you were home and warm and dry, you must've felt a lot better!