Thursday, January 24, 2008

the beginning of the end ... of winter

Yesterday morning on the way to the park & ride/transit center I noticed a few things. They sky didn't have that inky blackness that had enveloped the mornings of November, December, and the first part of January. It had that feel of just waking up and throwing the covers back, light enough to see, but not fully awake yet. On the bus, seated towards the back and facing west, I could easily make out the stark relief of the Olympic Mountains with their snowy shawl. I could see the early morning light reflected on the windows overlooking Lake Union. I turned and looked over my shoulder to see the brush stroke of vivid orangey/pink dawn making it's way over the Cascade Mountains. Winter has initiated it's exit strategy.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Wow, who knew you had a touch of the poet! Well said, well said indeed!