Sunday, January 13, 2008

Here I go ...

My first ever blog posting! Now I just have to think up something interesting to say...

I participated in my first ever winter series outrigger canoe race yesterday. I paddled an OC2 (2 person canoe) with a fellow club member. The race was about 6.5 miles, we started in front of Gas Works Park, headed west towards the Ballard locks then turned around and finished at Waterway 18, where Wakinikona and Seattle Outrigger store their canoes. It was an interesting adventure. I learned a lot. For instance I know now I need to carry my hydration pack with me even on shorter races, I don't think I hydrated enough in the days prior to the race. I need to eat more before a race, a protein shake and a cup of coffee 3 hrs before isn't enough, I need to pop some clif shot bloks just before I leave the beach at the very least. I need to stretch out better before I start, too. Well, now I know! In all it was a good race. We didn't huli (flip over), we finished, and we didn't finish last, these are my three minimum goals for any race, especially in the small (OC1/OC2) boats.

Next weekend I'm off to Burnaby, BC to paddle in the Lotus Icebreaker as part of a V12 crew. V12 is where they have two OC6 hulls lashed together, 12 people paddling 800 lbs of canoe! We all know what we are doing so it should be really cool. The course is supposed to be at least 4 miles. The weekend after that I'm up to Vancouver, BC for another winter series race at Jericho Sailing Center. I'll do that one OC1.

I guess this is enough for the inaugural posting. Pics and more to follow.


Fran said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! It's time consuming - blogs are such needy things - but oh it can be great!

You're in my favorites now, and I can't wait to hear what you're up to!

Tammy said...

Hello M'dear!
Welcome to the Blog-o-sphere!
Hope you're soon htmling with the best of 'em and my tutorial helped.

Roll over Gus! Roll over!