Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Laundry & The Boondocks

I was 'working from home' today, actually got a lot of work done, too. It also felt like I was doing laundry all day. Part of that stems from having machines whose capacity is ridiculously tiny, a t-shirt and two pairs of socks pretty much maxes out the washer. I can't imagine having to do the laundry of a family of four using these machines. The real bummer is the huge front loader and matching dryer I have sitting in storage just waiting for me to buy my own place. If I had space enough in the apartment I'd bring them in here!

Have you ever seen the tv show The Boondocks? Aaron McGruder's comic strip done in anime fashion. HappiDevil on Netflix says: "Boondocks is a fantastic social commentary not just on Black culture but society in general. It isn't a cartoon about little boys using filthy language or being disrespectful, it goes way beyond that. If you can look past the surface, this is social satire at it's best! It may be a little racy or taboo for some, but that is where the show draws it's strength!" I couldn't agree more. If you haven't seen in it yet, get it on your netflix pronto!

1 comment:

Fran said...

I didn't know Boondocks was a TV show! I read the comic daily; it's a hoot with an edge, that's true!