Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Breathing Part D'uh (Deux)

After my excitement following my allergy shot last week it occurred to me that I have been clearing my throat and coughing quite a bit over the last few weeks and I have been maxed out on my decongestant for a few months now when previously I'd take 1-2 tablets every few months. I thought it might be a good idea to go in and see Dr Becker to see if we could figure out what's going on. He decided it wasn't caused by allergies, might be an infection, no CT scan ruled that out. Hey, GERD can present with chest congestion/coughing. Figures. Since I'm already maxed out on my omeprazole he decided I should add Zantac on top of the omeprazole for a month and see if it helps at all. GERD sucks! Fingers crossed that this clears things up.

And after that appointment I got to go have my feet beat up by Carmen. Hurts so good! In the event anyone thinks I don't like having my feet worked on, true it does hurt during, but it really feels better afterwards.

1 comment:

Fran said...

You gotta love those Mellencamp moments! One of these days I'll get a shoulder/back/leg massage, and I suspect I'll be singing along with you through the whole thing, but oh I bet I'll feel better after!

Enjoy having your feet pummelled!