Monday, February 11, 2008

thursday february fourteenth

The holiday promoted excessively by Hallmark. The holiday designed to make single people feel they are inadequate and lesser merely because they are single. All the commercials on television, to be the best husband/boyfriend you can be you MUST buy a diamond bauble for the woman in your life or chocolates or flowers or better still all of the above else you'll be considered that chump who doesn't really love your wife/girlfriend. It's annoying that so many people buy into that mentality.

I think that love is more than just a flashy bauble or new power tool. I think that love is more the look, the touch, the words whispered while holding your love close. And these sentiments ought to be shared every day, not just one day in the middle of winter. But what do I know, I'm still single after all these years.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Hey, don't diss the new power tool! We gotta have SOME standards here! And what says Valentine's Day like a new drill press? Huh? Nothing, that's what!